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8 tips to improve fuel economy in your vehicles

High fuel consumption is one of the main challenges that all companies face. Milking, unrealistic loads thanks to collusion with dispatchers and even bad driving habits, are problems that seriously affect the profitability of your vehicle fleet. Taking all of the above into account, we share these 8 tips that will help you improve the fuel efficiency of your vehicles.

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Agricultural Machinery Monitoring

Monitor and manage your agricultural machinery in real time in and out of your working day from your device. Our service allows you to know the location of your units, hours worked, dead times, graphic detail of the area worked, as well as information on fuel consumption, which allows us to know the real performance of your vehicles.

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Excessive Fuel Consumption?

Controlling fuel consumption is one of the main challenges to be solved for any company. Milking, unrealistic loads thanks to collusion with dispatchers and even bad driving habits, are problems that seriously affect the profitability of your vehicle fleet.

At Mextic we care about helping our clients reduce their operating costs and increase their efficiency and profitability. That is why we develop a solution based on fuel level sensors that allow you to detect and monitor your Fuel Loads, Extractions and Performance in real time.

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